Willows Nursery Walgrave Northampton NN6 9QA

01536 791371


 Contact us :

01536 791371

Our other websites -

Living Willow

Hardy Cyclamen

Dwarf Box

Segway Sessions

Willow Weaving


About us
IMG_9184 field best cropped (600 x 411)

Willows Nursery is a small nursery on an 18 acre site owned and run by us
- Les & Anne Cordes. The name for the nursery came from a weeping willow
originally here on the bare field site when we arrived here in 1992 with a long-term
plan to grow a million Hardy Cyclamen corms to sell by Mail Order !

We soon realised that we needed wind-breaks to protect our greenhouses
& shadehouses (our site is very exposed). We invested in willow cuttings to cure that problem -- BUT -- then we realised just how varied interesting and useful willow is . . . !
So the Willow side of the nursery was born.

At the same time Anne expanded her interest in Knot Gardens
although now we only offer Dwarf Box plants for sale.

We offer top quality plants, all of which have been grown
here at our Nursery by ourselves. None
are bought in.

Then in 2010 we added Segway sessions ! They are fun machines that almost anyone can use and have a really enjoyable experience. Our 18 acre site provides plenty of space and a mix of riding conditions for people to enjoy - and they are also proving invaluable as a speedy way for us travel around the Nursery !

We are now refurbishing a red double decker bus to provide overnight accommodation
for people coming to Segway and (re-starting soon) willow weaving workshops.

Please contact us if you need any details or
information that you cannot find on our web sites.

Les & Anne Cordes


[The Red Bus] [Facilities] [Segways] [Willow Weaving] [About us]